Jiggle the Handle

What do men and women think in the bathroom? Look at a blog that examines what men and women think. We're a real couple with real, practical ideas about relationships.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pee Pee Party

Well, our darling daughter has officially entered the party scene. She decided almost 2 weeks ago to start using the potty. Of course this is an exciting milestone and it has most definitely livened things up around here. But, I was planning on waiting a couple more months.

Now, about 6-8 times a day, I have to have a pee pee party, or a poopie party depending on what is appropriate. Yep, my daughter and I, and anyone else who happens to be occupying our home at that moment MUST drop everything, dance around like fools, singing pee pee in the potty each and every time she manages to make it without an accident.

When the process started, we were giving her rewards, either small toys or a special cookie or really just about anything. Quickly, she grew tired of those boring old rewards. But let me tell ya, this kid digs pee pee parties and poopie parties. She is a party girl. And I must say she is starting at a far younger age than her dear old mom and dad. Makes me wonder what the teen years will hold in store for us.


At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you guys! I remember the days of potty-training celebrations quite well. Is Chris potty-trained? Maybe he'd respond to the same type of positive reinforcement you give your daughter. "Yay Chis! Who took out the trash like a GOOD little man? Yay! Chris did! Yes he DID!"

It could work.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

2X4 has a point. Positive reinforcement may be the key to a perfect marriage.

Pee Pee in the potty! Party hard!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Becka said...

I think we should all have a pee pee party together, soon. Our kids can sit on the pot the whole time!


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