Jiggle the Handle

What do men and women think in the bathroom? Look at a blog that examines what men and women think. We're a real couple with real, practical ideas about relationships.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Big D

I think my husband divorced me and no one filled me in. Well, at least we are apparently divorced in blog land. Finally, we find something we actually enjoy doing together, and he quits! It figures.

I'm not ready to give up on this blog yet, so you will be tortured with my sentiments until he comes crawling back. They always do, don't they?

He will tell you that I have continued to be very busy whoring him out to make some money for this family, and in fact that is not false. It's just that I enjoy being able to pay the bills each month, eventhough he tends to think it is overrated. I suppose that is because he is the one working hard for our money. We have a good system in this house, he makes it and I spend it. I see no flaws in this :)

At any rate, at least temporarily this has become a "single" woman's blog. I guess that means I can spend more time whining about him. Blog divorce (blivorce?) has its priveleges.


At 4:41 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

blivorce? Brilliant! So Chris is a quiter, huh? Should have figured.

Well congratulations on becoming a single blogger.

At 6:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Half of a two person blog is better than none. So for the time being I'll keep checking in to see what's new here, and expecting only a woman's perspective, with no masculine counterpoint. There's no reason you should quit just because your hubby finds other things to do.


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