Jiggle the Handle

What do men and women think in the bathroom? Look at a blog that examines what men and women think. We're a real couple with real, practical ideas about relationships.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Fun!

I love my daughter, I adore her with all of my heart and soul. But, is it too much to ask to do something, ANYTHING in peace and quiet?! Between the kid and the hubby, I need a place to escape to. At least hubby can hide in the bathroom. Me? I'm not so lucky.
I have been trying to bake cookies for a couple of days now, but with an extra set of 2 year old hands involved, it is very very slow going. So, to all those people who are getting baked goods from us for Christmas, hang tight, you should have them by New Years. However, remember that they were handcrafted with love by my non-germy 2 year old!
About the whole Santa thing, my daughter got a letter in the mail from Santa the other day. How magical. For all of us! We really don't know where it came from and can only assume my father had his hand in it. So far, this holiday season has been a ball. I'm sure it will only get better as she gets older. And hopefully, by next year, she will lose interest in being my little elf.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have been told it's time for a pee pee party!


At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE come escape to my house - and bring some cookies with you!

Hang in there... the holidays are almost over!!

At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like you got the crap end of the stick and no toilet paper to wipe it off(with your hubby hiding in the bathroom and all)


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