Jiggle the Handle

What do men and women think in the bathroom? Look at a blog that examines what men and women think. We're a real couple with real, practical ideas about relationships.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Betcha thought

You'd never hear from us again. Well you aren't quite so lucky! Life in our household has been insanely busy and GOOD over the past 2 months. We are all exhausted completely, but look forward to sleeping one of these days, or weeks, or months.

For starters, hubby got a new job. This is the PERFECT thing for our marriage. He won't be home much at all anymore. No doubt we will have decades of wedded bliss because of this. He is the boss (or one of the bosses I guess) of a high school. How funny is that? My husband, who much prefers to stay at home in his underwear playing PS2 on his NEW big ass TV is actually in charge of a whole grade level of high school kids, numbering 600! If those kids only knew that he is just a giant kid and nothing more. Thankfully for him, he hasn't let his secret out and he is at the very least feared and quite possibly respected amongst the kids. I'm sure he will have plenty to say about his new job. Maybe he'll make a guest appearance soon.

In other news, our baby turned 3! We had a rockin' good dora and diego fiesta for her birthday. She was the only kid, and let me tell you she let all that attention go right to her head. It has been said (not by me) that 3 year olds are the devil's spawn. I believe it now more than ever. EVERYTHING is a battle. I have a new suit of armor prepared for today. Let's hope she doesn't find the achille's heel.

I have a feeling you will see more of us soon. More exciting news on the horizon!