Jiggle the Handle

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

5 Items

Well I'm exhausted tonight, so this is as good as it gets. Hope you learn something about me!

5 Items in my fridge:
1. Cheese for the baby, we would have no peace in our house without cheese, but we also wouldn’t have little rabbit pellet poop. Hmmmm.
2. A lime. Why does this matter, you ask? It symbolizes the mojito I NEED by the end of each day but am too damn tired to make for myself never mind drink.
3. Some age old leftovers. Cleaning isn’t my strong suit. ‘nuff said.
4. Coke (as in coca cola) for my husband of course. I don’t like to listen to the whining when the coke supply runs out. I keep trying to convince him to switch to diet. Anyone have any tips?
5. Pretend food. What in the…?!?! Well, you see, my daughter is slightly OCD. And one of her favorite past times is putting her play food in our REAL refrigerator to cool it off. It is one of those behaviors that is better left unchallenged in an effort to obtain the peace discussed previously.

5 Items in my closet:
1. My husbands clothes. The number of hanging clothes he owns far outnumbers the amount of hanging clothes I own. We are seriously at like ¾ to ¼ right now. Must be time to shop.
2. A pile of ebay stuff, that one of these days I will get around to listing for the very first time. Any takers before I bother putting it on ebay?!
3. Empty photo albums and scrapbooks. Yikes I better get on that before she is married off
.4. Blankets that are just waiting for the cold days of winter to come out of hiding. Yuck.
5. Shoes. Need I say more?!

5 Items in my car:
1. Crushed gold fish/raisins/crackers
2. I could probably round up an old sippy cup or two. Gross!
3. Some stuff that is supposed to be used to clean the car, but is probably moldy by now.
4. A car seat of course. More commonly called a driving seat around here. My kid hated her car seat until we told her that all of us have a special driving seat yadda yadda. You know the drill.
5. Sometimes I wonder if there is a dirty diaper lurking in there somewhere, but alas it has not been located.

5 Items in my purse:
1. Honest truth is that I really don’t carry a purse. I carry a diaper bag, and a little wallet with my stuff in it.
2. My phone so I can call my husband and ask him where my keys are since I lose them all the time because I don’t carry a purse.
3. The almighty yet evil with a capital E credit cards.
4. Diapers/wipes/crackers/sippy cups/ emergency bribery candy
5. Sadly I can’t think of much else. Noticeably lacking from my purse are pictures of my kid ( I know, isn’t that terrible? No mean comments please!) And greenbacks.


At 12:09 AM, Blogger Lilize said...

crushed goldfish??? :S

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Sounds like my car but I have no kids. Hmm

At 2:40 PM, Blogger shpprgrl said...

Pretend food has pretend calories. Sounds like my car too. My kiddo is alot older than yours but we still haven't overgrown the 'finding weird things in the car' phase.


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