Jiggle the Handle

What do men and women think in the bathroom? Look at a blog that examines what men and women think. We're a real couple with real, practical ideas about relationships.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Ladies First

As my husband and I were discussing the point of this blog, we did the typical banter back and forth.

Janice: I think our title should be funnier than that
Chris: We don’t want to use ALL our good material early on
Janice: Why not, isn’t the POINT to get people to read it? Why would they read mediocrity?
Chris: Ok, maybe we shouldn’t start off like that.

Silence overtook us, and we each started typing away at our computers. This ought to be interesting. Like most things in a marriage, I expect diametrically opposed opinions not only about the purpose of this blog but also in how we accomplish that. Sounds like fun huh? And something you definitely want to read.

Jiggle the handle was brought to fruition because of my husband’s unquenchable desire to find fame in writing. As for me, I’m along for the ride. He is a typical husband and I will take any opportunity to “educate” him about how to do things correctly in this relationship. Including blog.

So, why jiggle the handle? It all started with a pissing contest about what men and women think about on the pot and how incredibly different those thoughts are. A blog was born.

Stay tuned for more interesting and scintillating entries detailing the mundane and not so mundane world of marriage, parenting, and of course your everyday bathroom happenings.



At 11:10 PM, Blogger PU said...

I like your blog, and I am going to link to it on my own blog. Please visit my blog, and if you like it, you can link to me as well.



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